Monday, October 27, 2008

Accenture Family Day

A weekend which was busy packed with OT WORK and WORK related event :P

Saturday, Went back to Dayabumi for application testing. Boring yeah? That wasn't the worst. we wasted 4 hours waiting for the development team to complete checking.. There goes my lovely Sat afternoon .... :P The day was slightly boosted with a dinner call from KIm Yen (my uni fren). We had Korean with Emily @ Ampang (My current favourite)

Sunday, Accenture's Family Day. Woke up by my usual morning call, picked up D&G and KY to Taman Commenwealth. Event started @ 2pm with the normal LBC speech, an environmental prez by Ecoknight (the beneficiary of this event) and .... the OFFICIAL launching of Carbon Footprint Survey (Finger cross, everything works fine for the CFP website). Organiser has arranged couple of activities e.g. snake ladder game board and wall painting for the kids (finally, they get to vandalise w/o getting spanking on their butts), line dancing.The highlight of d event was POT RACE, a treasure hunt through the Forest. Well, as usual, it always sounds easier than execution. KY, Mary and Audra (who weren't originally in d race) have decided to chase the teams up from behind. Went into the jungle, only then I realised it wasn't as pleasant as the Bkt Pasir / Jambil / Bendera (penang) ... It is quite un-touched, there wasn't any visible human trekking path. The track was covered with wet leaves and yellow mud (worsen after the earlier rain). I could hear the crunch of leaves every step i took, and smell of nature every breathe I inhaled. Explored further in, then I wondered, HOW on earth did the city kids manage this??(Later, I realised, they were actually top of the league... more agile perhaps) ... Anyway, I raised my WHITE flag @ one of the yellow slippery slope. It was in between turning back or pulling both my frens down the slope.. :P I think I made my wise choice anyway. Line dancing with 'YMCA', 'Macarena' is MUCH easier in relative term. The event ended with a charity auctioning session. Denis got himself a AT&T UMBRELLA with a generous RM 100..
D&G, M, KY & I ended our LONG exhausting day with a very rewarding Dinner @ Selayang! (Yums!) Equalising all the calories burnt during the trekking :P

Helping out @ the Registration

Chai yee with her Towel Wrap

Amused by kids playing the Snake Board Game!

Audra - after walking in the rain

Denis - Acting Ranger... But did not get near the Forest :P

Beginning of Pot Race

VeeMeng's team - Entering the jungle

KY and I in the forest

Trying very hard NOT to fall from the slope

Mary, my guardian angel who apparently walked into the jungle with her camera on one hand, and coke on the other.

Trying hard to smile in midst of the bushes and trees
Busy busy, cant cope with my shoes in the mud etc.
No photo taking..
we dance

Denis and KY dancing

Nadiah and her kids won the BEST team in POT Race

random shot

Denis and his RM 100 UMBRELLA! :P

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My 24th Bday

Thank you all for the best 24th Birthday :)
Especially for the POP team: Thanks for the bday party and present. We are the best team ....

A surprise birthday cake @ pantry Level 10

Birthday lunch @ Secret Recipe with d Dayabumi gang

Friday, October 3, 2008

Demo Dino

Check this out... PLEO (a new toy that Uncle Dixon showed us)